Tuesday, January 3, 2012

kids vs technology.

Ok, here's the jist (what does that MEAN anyways?)
At a glance, I wasn't interested in the hubbub about the LeapPad Explorer for kids, yep, essentially an ipad for kids, it's rugged, takes pics, you can download apps and track their progress, etc, they're essentially safe from online creepies and that kind of thing, but before xmas, I hadn't even heard of it.

When a product MAGICALLY has a release date that creates a frenzy around Christmas, I throw my nose up to it, I think it's terrible how we advertise to kids, it's sick, even treehouse advertises to kids around xmas, my mom didn't believe me, but yep, there it is, YOU NEED THIS TOY NOW! ASK SANTA!

Anyways, after xmas I decided to look at it, it was pretty cool, I'll admit, but then I took it to youtube, and saw comparisons to the Vtech Innotab, the LeapPad Explorer fell behind the Vtech Innotab in fluidity, but the innotab didn't have the camera, (the only setback as far as I can see). Still, the hype, oh the hype.

Adults buying ten of them and jacking the prices up, parents so desperate to put that gift under the tree that they pay these unethical prices, yuck. No thanks. We stuck to home made gifts (for the most part) and a calm Christmas morning with family.

That isn't today though. I (though not obsessed) though the idea of a tablet may be useful, god knows I can use a break to have a shower or brush my teeth, have a poop without an audience, whatever. I can deny the kids of the inevitable fact that they are going to have an introduction to technology, or I can moderate it. I'm a total technology lover, but I was a little put back by all the kids with a nintendo ds, their own laptops, computers in their bedrooms, yah, sorry, not a fan of any of those, perhaps when the kids are older but under ten? Don't even ask me kids, for lolz, ask your father :P

My husband and I recently upgraded our phones and put our old ones up for sale, I got NOTHING but no shows, stupid trade offers (really? a guitar? a bar fridge? NO!) but then I got an email from a 16 year old looking to trade an itouch for an iphone, I figured without hesitation that we would do it, he seemed like a sweet kid (via our correspondence) and he took the time to research the phone and ask a lot of valuable questions. We met with him and traded, I think we both made out like bandits because after agreeing to trade him I realized I could let our daughter use the ipod touch, we already know the interface because we're long time iphone users, I know that you can put MAJOR restrictions on it (even block the internet) and you can get age relavent apps while blocking in-app purchases.


TOTAL win. I googled "kid friendly iphone cases" and came up with pure gold. Engaged featured a case for kids that was drool proof and easy to hold, normally reading those sites and seeing something GENIOUS I figured it would be unattainable until at LEAST 2030 but nope, I found it at my local toysrus, and it was IN STOCK! I got a Fisher Price Laugh and Learn "apptivity case" (clever name)
Popped the ipod touch in there and KAPOW, pure awesomeness. I snuck in and out without my daughter and set the device up while she napped. She was STOKED! Instantly she knew how to do the things she wanted to do, (I forgot to disable email, but I just snuck it into another window to avoid her touching it) I put a movie on there, put some apps on there, found some GREAT learning apps, teaching color, sound, shapes, counting, alphabet, even a compass! And to beat out the expensive ($25+) app prices, the apps on the apple store are normally around 1.99 and under, and MOST have a free 'lite' version that you can try out before you buy it, plus the reviews are an enormous help.

Because we got a 4th gen Ipod touch it has both the front and the rear camera, well the sad thing about the case is that the rear camera is disabled but the AWESOME thing is that with the use of Wifi, she can call her friends on it (provided their parents allow them the use of their phone)
My daughter has called her friend in New York, her grandparents downisland, her Cousins who live next door, and her Uncle on his Ipad, she's over the moon!

You'd think that she would be on that thing ALL DAY (like her parents *cough cough*) but so far so good, I 've been monitoring it closely and only allowing a certain time limit on it, I'm pretty sure you can have the device shut down after certain hours and lock her out of it, but she's been good about giving it up with not much of a fight, and is currently behind me playing with her dolls.

Observations within 24 hours:
Pro: her counting she is paying more attention to, rather than spouting off 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, she is slowing down and REALLY counting how many 'things' she is trying to count. So she can spout off and count to 20 or to 30, but she is really enjoying seeing just HOW many things are infront of her (she JUST turned 3)

Con: the camera, having had "mommy I'm taking a picture of you!" happen twice today, once while I was on the toilet, the other whilst in the shower. Thankfully we both escaped unscathed, (the camera can be disabled) but she really "got" when and where it is and isn't appropriate to take pictures....well, she 'understood' the second time :P

Anyways, because of the restriction options, I'd suggest this combo over the kid-aimed tablet devices! Plus if you buy used, you can get an ipod touch for pretty cheap, most times under $100

*note* it looks upside down because if you flip it over, there is a little piece of clear plastic that blocks the home button from being pressed :) EVEN MORE WIN!