Thursday, July 17, 2014

sausage fucking stew

Ok so my father in law ( I literally just accidentally wrote father in love because I adore that man) gave me a recipe for sausage stew, only he calls it Italian soup, he's wrong.

It's not overly italian, and it's not really soupy, it's more like a stew. Regardless it's fucking nom and you should make it for dinner. Even you vegans, you can alter it to have some fucking vegan sausage or fake hotdogs or whatever it is that you eat, and the soup stock, use vegetable. I'm sure it'll taste decent, but I'll be fucked if I'm going to do it, so let me know how it tastes.

This is a quick throw together, likely good on a nice autumn evening or cold spring day, hell it's 30 degrees outside and I'm making it because I know my husband will shit himself with glee knowing that he's not got some crap home made macaroni and cheese concoction to murder his pallet waiting for him when he gets home, ketchup cures all?

Sausage fucking stew

8oz italian sausage
2 cups chicken broth
1 20oz can of tomatoes, (diced)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 cup long grain rice.
1 can 14oz bean medley (drained)
**I threw some frozen vegetables in the mix as there was a minuscule amount left in the freezer.

Anyways, it's a pretty straight forward recipe. For sausage I used Heritage farms double smoked CHEEEESE sausage. I like it because you don't have to pre cook it, and it doesn't get all mushy and tasteless once it's been cooked with the other ingredients. I opted for the cheese ones this time because I totally eat the chunks of sausage when I'm waiting for the pot to heat the oil, and hai, cheese is amazing.

Yeah about that, throw about two tablespoons or splashes or who cares into a big pot. Once it's warming, chop the sausages up into chunks, I like to cube it, you can slice it if you like to choke on enormous sausages  *snicker*, I'm feeding this to kids so bite sized is the way to go.

Huck the sausages into the pan and brown them in the CAN drain the fat, but I never do, with this sausage I found it didn't really make much oil so cares, I do not.

Once brown, get your chicken broth, diced tomatoes, salt, pepper, and oregano into the pan, bring it up to boil.
I get whatever diced tomatoes and beans are on sale, this time I got the salt free stuff this time because I'm adding salt to the recipe, don't be duped though, it seems a lot of the time, the salt free stuff costs MORE than the fucking regular tomatoes, not much more but you'd think it would cost them less to omit a stupid ingredient so really, buy whatever the fuck you want.

Once that shit is boiling add the beans (drain the crap out of it) and the rice. Reduce it to a simmer, cover it, and let it simmer for like 15-20 minutes, until the rice gets sucked up. If you have kids, note that if you ever make a brothy soup, rice will save your sanity. It sucks up the moisture and makes it a lot easier for the kids to eat, thus saving your time in the laundry room. Even if you don't have kids and you have a husband with the metabolism of a hummingbird, the rice acts as a filler so you may be able to save some money with a little bit of rice usage. I suppose you could use quinoa too but I've never tried. GO CRAZY, I don't care.

That's it, enjoy. Tell people it was a long arduous process that took blood sweat and tears to make such an amazing medley. Celiac friendly as long as the sausages don't contain gluten!

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