Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life Factory Teethers

WIN, win win WIN. The life factory teether is my favorite, ok second only to the razbaby teether, but I can never seem to figure out just WHERE I have put that teether, the life factory one is always within reach, you can wear it as a bracelet, or hook it onto one of those weird little baby hooker things, you know, the plastic things that strap a toy or what have you to a stroller or carrier, we all have houses plagued with the things, it's always around, and it doesn't SCREAM 'cool toy to play with' so my toddler takes off with it and hides it, hoards it really, with the stash of soothers she's collected from her new brother, it sounds like a downfall but it isn't, she has NO interest in this teether, so where I leave it, it stays!

It's 100% silicone, so you can boil it, and it's not porous so it won't collect any gross bacteria, it's got multi sensors so they can really get in there and figure out what works best for them. They're eco-happy and awesome and our son seems to be giving them a what for, and he can't make a dent, the thing looks like new!
Warning though, it's not a pretty bracelet, you'll certainly look like a mom.

ETA: I got ours at hard candy baby boutique in Qualicum beach

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