Tuesday, October 30, 2012

trouble in the hen house...

ok so they're not yet in the hen house, still the incubator but my house sounds like the inside of a hen house.
Science world is doing awesome, the little diva she is, she really likes to snuggle up in your hand and pinch your finger web to get your attention, if a chicken could snicker, she'd be doing it.

Yesterday we had a pip, and a little bit of progress on egg #2...sadly that egg didn't progress, her little beak hung out the hole and there was plenty of shell broken but the membrane was exposed and started to harden...I let it go all day, then this morning she still hadn't progressed so I preformed an emergency chicken egg cesarian. CAREFULLY with clean hands, paper towel and clean tweezers I picked off pieces of egg and membrane and the chick didn't help me in the least which is worrisome. I could certainly see that she was very much alive, just lazy and weak,

at 8:01 Goldie flopped out of her shell, weak and useless.

So like a true crazy chicken lady I held her in my hand to regulate temperature, monitor her breathing, and give her little squeezes to get her blood pumping, I held her until I could no longer hold her, 

and when I could no longer hold her, I put her in my bra, good thing my boobs shrank.

She was quite happy in there, burrowing and snuggling but it was a pain in the ass to have this invisible force field around the chick with pending toddler snuggles, so after a few hours she started to kick and squirm and peep and open her eyes, so I put her back into the incubator where she immediately stood up and her sister Scienceworld stood on her.

So far so good, she's peeping away in there and driving me mental like her sister (assuming they're ALL FEMALES, *not so subtle hint) 
Looks like things will be good for little Goldie

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